Age UK Cheshire

In 2019 I was engaged by AgeUK Cheshire (via the Brightlife team), to provide them with an impact report for their community work in 2018/19.  

The project involved two stages. Firstly, designing the look and layout of the report, working within Age UKs brand guidelines. We discussed different formats and looked at other charities reports and then I submitted various options for the visual design. Once this was agreed, I translate the data provided, into the reports format, including lots of facts and figures and various case studies.

As a companion to the Impact Report, we also produced a poster presenting some of the same information with an overview of all the charities projects. This was folded into a clever pocket guide to be handed out to service users so they could more easily access the available services.

Since then I have worked on a number of projects helping them to reach their target audience in Chester and Cheshire. These included various printed information leaflets and social media campaigns.

In 2021 I created 2 issues of an in-house magazine called Connect Magazine, intended to help older people to stay connected online.


Spring 2019

To see a full PDF of the Age UK Cheshire 2018/19 Impact Report, click below

Pocket Guide & Poster

As a companion to the Impact Report we also produced a pocket guide that folded out into an infographics poster showcasing some of their achievements and how they had helped the community.


A selection of the leaflets I designed for Age UK Cheshire ensuring they came within UK brand guidelines and were accessible for older people in terms of font size and colour contrast.

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