Social Butterflies

Social Butterflies was a city wide project encouraging the people of Chester to get together and be creative!

Having worked with the Brightlife team on many of their projects, originating with the Great Get Together Program for Storyhouse, they asked me to help them promote one of their final outreach projects in collaboration with Age-Friendly Cheshire West.

The logo for the project had already been designed so I took elements of it to incorporate into the program design. We wanted it to be eye-catching, colourful and engaging so the use of colour and movement was very important.

I included many examples of various completed butterfly projects using “polaroid” shots to inspire peoples creativity and incorporated the Age-Friendly Cheshire West colour palette into the headers and bullet points to emphasise important information.

These elements were reused to create continuity across a large range of the marketing materials: from pull up banners and bunting to social media and web graphics. See below examples.


To coincide with Social Butterflies, Age-Friendly Cheshire West launched a guide and check list for local businesses and organisations to help them become more accessible to older people.

The guide included appropriate guidance on how to make venues and events more age-friendly. The reverse had a checklist which organisations could use to improve facilities, staff training and the environment to make it more inclusive for older people.

This leaflet was distributed to venues, restaurants and public spaces throughout Chester. 

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